Moses Auhheckhubinauhoot
Hendrick Aupaumut, Lieutenant
Solomon Hendricks, Lieutenant
John Cheenquin
Joseph Chenequin
John Cuskus
Isaac Esop
Thomas Hikamon
Jacob Jusnuck
Benjamin Kaukewenaunaut
Abraham Konkapotd
Jacob Konkapot
John Konkapot Jr.
Samuel Littleman
Ebenezer Maunauseet*
Peter Meckroff
John Mefricks
Andrew Melosse
Benjamin Metacaman
Hendrick Minpaumut
Andrew Mohhewch
Moses Mole*
Jehoiakim Mtohksin
John Mtoksen
David Naunauneck
Abraham Naunauphtank
Jehoiakim Naunauphtank
Abraham Naunkauwat
Peter Nehahrompot
David Nexunaukhot
Abraham Ninham, Captain*
Daniel Ninham, Captain*
John Ninham
Isaac Ninham
William Notonksion, Sr.d
John Oasauwampummunk
Ebenezer Papponunck
Jub Pautaunauket
Jacob Pohtauwaupeet*
Benjamin Pye
James Quamhos
Richard Ranney
Aaron Sausokhak*
Hendrick Sheakheakkauwoh
John Shepaubweenk
David Shupaumwaunhun
Samuel Squintoop*
John Stockbridge
Robert Sukkaumick*
Timothy Taunkauwat*
Cornelius Touwohauunnuk*
Benjamin Towsey
Jacob Tusnuk*
Solomon Uhhaunauwaumut
Andrew Van Gilder
Benjamin Van Gilder
Daniel Van Gilder
David Van Gilder
Isaac Van Gilder
Jacob Van Gilder
James Van Gilderd
John Van Gilder Jr.
Joseph Van Gilder
Matthew Van Gilder
Matthew Van Gilder II
Nicholas Van Gilder
Reuben Van Gilder
Stephen Van Gilder
Benjamin Wannehnauweet
Anthony Waunmaukee
Timothy Waunmaukee
Isaac Waupeek
Daniel Waurvaumant
Hendrick Wautaunkauwot
Daniel Wauwaumpequunnaunt*
Jacob Wenaumpeh
Isaac Wenaumpen
Robert Whitney
Thomas Wind
David Winchelld
Eliakim Winchell
Hezekiah Winchell Jr.
Joel Winchell
Isaac Wnaumpey
Jacob Yaunpohkhok*
Jehoiakim Youkin
Timothy Yokun, First Sergeant*
Antony -------*
*Killed in the Stockbridge Indian Massacre, August 31, 1778,
Bronx, NY
dDied in service
Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution,
17 vols., Boston, MA, 1896-1908.
Miles, Lion G., "The Stockbridge Indian Massacre Continued",
Journal of the Native American Institute, Columbia-Greene Community College,
Vol. 2, No. 1, Winter 1999, pp. 1-4.
Walling, Richard S., Ninham's Indian Company of 1778: The Events Leading up
to the Stockbridge Massacre of August 31, 1778, March 1999
Winchell, Debra, research notes.
Copyright 2002 by Debra Winchell
Mohican Indians
Native Circle